QuickWin Sustainability

In small steps, big in sustainability. With our Quickwin sustainability you are ready for the future. Future-proof and therefore sustainable entrepreneurship brings change. In small steps we help with the change and we make your sustainability vision bite-sized and transparent. In two half-day workshops, you will have a complete vision for sustainable business operations.

Day part 1 Power of change
Future-proof and therefore sustainable entrepreneurship brings change. What about the change power of your company? In this workshop we ensure awareness of sustainability within the organization. Together we determine the “Why”, “How” and “What” of the organization. This lays the foundation of your motivation, drivers and ambition with regard to sustainability. In the months and years that follow, this vision will continue to be refined and possibly supplemented.

Day part 2 Ready for start
In this workshop we jointly identify and classify the sustainability opportunities, and we make concrete which projects and initiatives will be started up. We set goals and priorities based on the available resources (time, money) and the desired impact. With a “heat heart” this is made visual, so that everyone has the same image that will be worked on.

The result of this workshop is a detailed vision, which arose from the intrinsic motivation of your organization. As an action plan, there is a roadmap with projects that can be started, weighing up costs versus added value. This way you are ready for a sustainable future.

Price: € 3,500.00 ex VAT
Duration: 2 half-days
The result: Fundamentals sustainability and a heatchart of projects and initiatives

An elaborated vision, which arose from the intrinsic motivation of your organization. Which serves as the basis for both external and internal communication. This way you are ready for a sustainable future.

Realized projects