Learning from each other.
The world of MareVisie consists of, among other things, ‘learning from each other’. We see ourselves as a meeting place where people with differing competencies, divergent industries, and universities, meet each other. Eager to learn as we are, are we happy to dive into new subjects, and trends, use online tools, learn from each other, and regularly follow different pieces of training or courses.
Today we are trying to learn from each other using a hybrid workshop about information management with which we make use of the 9-plans model. In short, the 9-plans model arises from the growth to maturity and the corresponding growth in company size. For example, it shows the growth from a small independent bakery to an industrial bakery with several functional departments. Each has its role within the information provision to be able to function and cooperate. Due to the growth of the company supporting processes were created next to the primary processes. These supporting processes deliver resources to the primary processes. This is all with the aim of increasing the overall efficiency of the organization.
In comparison with the 9-plan model is this exactly what we want to achieve with today’s workshop albeit in a different manner. More adult employees. But also the sharing of expertise of colleagues to better function and work together. This way we can grow and can the project managers take on the primary processes and can the supporting managers take on the supporting processes. This way we can work more efficiently to the benefit of our clients, and also our own organization.
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