SRC Thor converts their policy into concrete actions

SRC Thor converts their policy into concrete actions. Half way through the year the board of Thor and MareVisie gathered together to talk about the progress of the policies.

MareVisie organizes these sessions twice a year with Thor’s board. Last week we had the second meeting; an evaluation of what has been achieved and a preview of their second half of the board year. This time it could not take place in person, so we had to plan a Zoom Meeting.

The idea is that when a new board takes office, we sit down with them to convert their policy into concrete actions (according to the SMART method; Specific; Measurable; Acceptable; Realistic; Time-bound).

Becaues of the Covid-19 situation the board year is a bit different from normal, but it is always important to discuss the topics and policies which were set up at the start of the year. We took a moment to look back at the past half a year. We talked about Thor, the situation and the milestones, deliverables and achievements of the (SMART) policies, which were made together with MareVisie.

Despite the situation it was an educational meeting where we could talk and discuss this rare situation and also think about their future. We even came up with some scenarios which we will visualize more the upcoming weeks.

Thor is very grateful for the cooperation with MareVisie. Together we learn more and more and because of this sort of meetings we know if we are on the right path.

Thank you and you’re welcome SRC Thor!